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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Is this the way US sees India & is this the image Ms Gandi has projected of India

The US view of Indian politicians is, however, variable. While viewing Manmohan Singh, the 77-year-old economist and prime minister, as a natural friend, Prakash Karat, the Communist party of India (Marxist) general secretary, is described as an 'extortionist'.
The failure of Sonia Gandhi, the chairman of the ruling United Progressive Alliance coalition and the Congress party president, to overcome the opposition to the nuclear deal is criticised heavily.
"With the future of Indian foreign credibility hanging in balance, Sonia Gandhi has been unable to show principled leadership even when it might benefit her party at the polls. Mrs Gandhi never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity," said one cable sent in November 2007.

A veteran former Congress minister, Arjun Singh, is described as being from the party''s 'Jurassic' wing, and that he is 'spectacularly inept'.

The public anger following the Mumbai terror attacks in November 2008 had "served as a catharsis for people to vent other long simmering grievances against the government -- its corruption, its pompous use of symbols of authority like security guards and vehicle sirens, its indifference to providing health and education services, and its paralysis on building infrastructure," said a cable sent in December 2008.

Oh God Save India from this so called Gandhi family. It is too much now. Maa Beta mil kar Hindustan kee vaat lagane main lage hain.

Please forgive me for using these words but I can't help it after reading what ever revelations wiki leaks are giving.

Is he the next face of India as Prime Minister

I request all to personally read the article in details where it is clearly mention:

"Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi had told United States ambassador Timothy Roemer that the growth of 'radicalised Hindu groups', which create religious tensions in India, could pose a bigger threat to the country than activities of groups like Lashkar-e-Tayiba.

According to a secret US diplomatic cable from New Delhi released by WikiLeaks, the Congress leader shared his views with Roemer on a range of political topics, social challenges and electoral issues for the Congress party in the next five years.

The cable contained details of Gandhi's conversation with the envoy at a luncheon hosted by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at his residence in July 2009 in honour of visiting Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"Responding to the ambassador's query about Lashkar-e-Tayiba's activities in the region and immediate threat to India, Gandhi said there was evidence of some support for the group among certain elements in India's indigenous Muslim community," the cable notes."

I personally feel that this is big shame for the people of India to give respect to a person who do not give respect to the people of India. Actually the fact that the people generally are inclined towards there maternal side seems to be appropriate even in the case of a family to whom India has given full heart, love and support.

I personally feel that Mr. Rahul Gandhi should do some self introspection and start loving this nation from his heart and stop playing politics. His fall in Bihar election has already proved that he is not good for anything except for eating what his forefathers has gathered for him, still not going and crossing my limits I would reiterate that this is a shameful day for the country that instead of resolving our issues on our own we are again like British period talking to foreigners and telling them that see how incapable we are.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What is the secret that whenever there is a scandal there is a blast and whenever A Political party is sinking there top leader goes

From past many years I'm not able to understand many things of Indian Politics (ironically no one has understood anything of Indian Politics so far) and that is whenever there is a major scandal unearthed by media and the scandal gets the lime light and catches general public eyes there is a major bomb blast and lot of people dies in that blast. Media's and public's attention gets diverted to the same and meanwhile people involved in scandal gets some relief in some form.

This is very much strange that with two major scandals unearthed in last few years the past experience is not being felt may be because people involved were already in the hit list of the ruling party.

When this varanasi blast last week happened i suddenly realized that "Oh! my God! someone put a finger on the Prime Minister and it was to happen. Poor people they pay from there life so that few people can live in peace.

I suggest that the people died in bomb blast should be termed as martyaers and not as deceased. They are paying there life for the sake of nation.... isn't it.

I remember that whenever there was a downfall in the US and European economy a world war happened and now in this time of many powers claiming to be super power this world war is being avoided but then small time war on the name of Jihad, War on Terror etc. are happening.

Our indian politicians are also following the same path and to avoid a crisis they divert the attention of people by the way of bomb blast. when a particular religion got offended (I'm talking about Muslims) then our present leaders instead of bringing the harmony back have started another term to bring more unrest and they started calling Hindu aatankvad.

This is a great strategy to earn more money through vicious means but has anyone thought that all those great leaders who have minted money were not able to take even a single penny out with them in Hell or Heaven neither there children could enjoy the same.

What is the term we should give them - demons (don't tell demons will get angry even they have some principal) what else Dracula (even Dracula must be having some Principal) then what Humans (don't tell nothing like humanity exists). Balls no name for them and I think that is the reason our politicians (I'm taking the whole world including Pakistan, China, America Australia etc.) are surviving. They and living on the lust of poor public and unfortunately there is no end of this lust, everyone wants to be rich and crush others and that is how we are being made by God.

Does this means that there is no end of our miseries?

Wait for time and let SatYuga comes once again.

Now, when goverment doesn't got anything then they have started telling there people to talk something for example today Mr. DigVijay Sngh is naming so many thing - please read it your self by clicking on the link

So many things, for God sake please donot play with the normal public.

Histroy is witness to all the Kings and Queens, no one survived but this public, citizens they survived and will till the earth remains. Those who did good live as a good person in the hearts of people and those who did bad are being cursed.

Decide for yourself.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Analysis - Airport pat-down of India envoy - Ambassador Meera Shankar on 4th Dec-2010

If we analyze the report published in media on the Airport pat down of Indian envoy - ambassador Meera Shankar then this evaluates into two prospectives.

First, it justifies the action taken by US security forces seeing the past experience of US with terrorist and at the same time instead of replying in this unprofessional manner which is now raising the doubts on the sincerity of US people towards having a healthy relationship towards India they should publish the list of all the enevoys of all the countries including their own who are all been frisked or patted or checked.

In addition US security system as they can afford to have a separate channel for the dignitaries from various places so they should have this system in all the airports to avoid embarrassment.

Second, US has to now prove that they are not biased and not even small amount of apartheid towards Indians is the reason behind this frisking, as seeing the past experience of US behaviour with Indian people the onus of coming out clear lies with US people and agencies.

I personally hope that in this changing environment of world politics US and allies will understand the importance of giving due respect to new partners so that they can remain faithful and cooperative for longer period else like Britain has started cutting corners with US others will also follow the path.

The report is reproduced for ready reference here:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An airport pat-down of the Indian ambassador to the United States in Mississippi angered her government but the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Thursday said it was appropriate under the circumstances.

U.S. and Indian media reported that Ambassador Meera Shankar received a pat-down as she was leaving Jackson, Mississippi, where she had been invited by Mississippi State University.

Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna was quoted by Indian media groups calling the incident "unacceptable" and saying he planned to raise the issue with the U.S. government.

"This is unacceptable to India and we are going to take it up with the U.S. government and I hope things could be resolved so that such unpleasant incidents do not recur," Krishna told journalists, according to the Hindu newspaper.

The U.S. State Department said diplomats are subject to the same basic screening as other passengers at U.S. airports.

Following attempted attacks, including last year's attempt to blow up a flight to Detroit by a passenger with a bomb hidden in his clothes, U.S. authorities have deployed hundreds of full-body scanners and two months ago began doing more physical pat-downs that many travelers find invasive.

Asked about the incident involving Shankar, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she had looked into the matter and concluded that "it was by the book."

"It was a pat-down that followed our procedures, and I think it was appropriate under the circumstances," Napolitano told reporters.

She said there are protocols in which if U.S. authorities are notified before a passenger with special credentials gets to an airport, they can try to expedite their security check.

"In this particular instance, that protocol had not been utilized," she said. "I think what was done by the ... officer was done appropriately and by the book."

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that she was "concerned" by the incident and would look into it "to determine both what happened and what we could do to prevent such incidents in the future."

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Media to behave more responsibly in the cases pertaining to corruption

It not the question of having moral responsibility or not having the same. Actually by propogating this media is only helping to increase the corruptio and justifying the corruption by Congress. Two wrongs doesn't make one right.

It is the people of India who are suffering not only their money but also reputation.

I request media not to enjoy the TRP but to act constructively in reducing the corruption and bringing down the corrupt politicians.

Congress being the culprit should be removed but what about the babus in this government who will chase them, so much work to do and media is wasting time in checking the moral right or wrong.

"Bhagan Mandir ban raha hai swed ka jal do Rashmiya apni nichodo jyoti Ujjwal do".

Once again Media to act in a very very responsible manner and get out of this TRP business.