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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dare Bare Indians - Inside story of Suresh's porno pranks

Dare Bare Indians - Inside story of Suresh's porno pranks

(This is an extract from Rajinder Puri's story published in Blitz on September 2, 1978. Rajinder Puri is a journalist who contributes regularly to the political weekly Outlook )

New Delhi has been rocked by an incident concerning MrSuresh Kumar, son of defence minister Jagjivan Ram in which figured a staged abduction and pornographic photographs involving Mr Kumar and a Delhi university under graduate student, Ms Sushma Chaudhary.
The incident has evoked mixed reactions. Sources close to the defence minister have suggested a frame up and a political blackmail; Mr Raj Narain, former health minister has spoken about the purity of morals in public life; and the prime minister is reported to be determined to treat the matter as a criminal case and nothing else.

In certain circles, there is serious discussion about whether, at the end of the crisis, Mr Jagjivan Ram will continue in the cabinet. At the very least, observers note, Mr Suresh Kumar should forthwith shift from his father's house. Mr Kumar might earn the distinction of being yet another son who will have blighted the political career of his parent.

What started as an alleged sex frolic involving Suresh Kumar and developed into a brawl with some youths, including an office secretary of Kisan Sammelan Mr Om Pal Singh, and a general secretary of the Yuva Janata, Mr KC Tyagi, is gradually becoming an affair curiouser and curiouser.

In the FIR lodged by Mr Suresh Kumar, it is said that he and the young lady accompanying him in his car (a Mercedes, ownership yet to be established) were intercepted by two DLY taxis in which ten people armed with revolvers were seated, and then forcibly driven towards Loni in Uttar Pradesh. Mr Kumar has alleged that in a building in Modi Nagar he and the lady in question were forced to sign certain letters. According to newspaper reports, Mr Kumar has alleged in his FIR that he was beaten up and rendered unconscious.

The bus stop close to Jamuna Bazar from where Suresh Ram used to pick up Sushma Chaudhary.

Subsequently, when Mr Kumar and the lady were releasedby their captors, Mr Om Pal, according to this version, taunted Mr Kumar that they had taken photographs of the lady and him in a compromising position. According to this version, Mr Kumar must have been unconscious when the photographs were allegedly taken. Mr Kumar had been picked up by his captors according to this version, around 10.30 pm from Nigambodh Ghat near his lady friend's house, was released around 3.00 am, and reached on the
morning of August 21.

Driving back in the mystery Mercedes, Mr Kumar reportedly had an accident near Ghaziabad, and therefore must have been considerably delayed.

It would be a reasonable inference, from Mr Kumar's allegation, from the entirely unwanted secrecy surrounding the investigation by the police, and from the manner itself of the investigation and the interrogation, that the objective with which the police had been entrusted had been limited - in the first instance, to recover the compromising letters and the photographs which had allegedly been obtained under duress from Mr Kumar.

Reportedly, Miss Chaudhary in her statement recorded on August 26 was forthright, that she and Mr Kumar posed under duress for pornographic photographs. Miss Chaudhary did not plead unconsciousness.

Till the moment of writing, despite the alleged third degree methods by the police against the taxi driver and Messrs Om Pal Singh and Tyagi, who were arrested on the morning of August 25, the police do not seem to have succeeded in their objective. But why should the procurement of the photographs be of such prime importance if they had been taken under duress.

Satyawati college in New Delhi where Sushma Chaudhary was a student in the Political Science Dept.

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